Friday, 15 March 2013
Sah Isu Air Selangor Memang Tujuan Politik
Kuala Lumpur - Suasana masih kekal sebegitu. Senario bekalan air bersih Negeri Selangor masih di tahap kritikal apabila bekalan air terawat masih tidak mencukupi lebih kebih lagi apabila permintaan memuncak akibat cuaca panas. Kejadian gangguan bekalan air yang berlaku disekitar Kuala Lumpur adalah akibat kekurangan rezab bekalan air bersih menyebabkan usaha untuk memulihkan bekalan mengambil masa yang panjang. Ini jelas dinyatakan oleh Syabas dalam kenyataan akhbar yang dikeluarkan.
Dalam beberapa minggu yang lalu Kerajaan Selangor begitu keras menuduh Syabas yang sengaja mewujudkan krisis bekalan air. Kata Kerajaan Selangor Syabas gagal turunkan kadar NRW menyebabkan air tidak cukup. Syabas dituduh gagal senggara pam menyebabkan bekalan air terputus. Syabas dikecam dan didakwa tidak mempunyai kepakaran menyebabkan pengguna tidak dapat air. Apa yang pengguna mahu jalan penyelesaian. Penyelesaian yang konklusif. Penyelesaian sepertimana diketengahkan oleh kerajaan pusat. Namun kerajaan selangor tetap berdegil dengan kemahuan mereka untuk mahu ambil alih syarikat syarikat yang ada sebagai jalan penyekesaian. Tanpa perihatin keatas derita rakyat bila air tiada.
Kini isu air jarang disebut di bibir pemimpin Kerajaan Selangor walaupun isu jauh dari penyelesaian. Sekarang mereka sebok bercakap padal Lahad Datu. Begitu hebat seperti bagaimana hebatnya mereka menuduh kerajaan pusat membela kroni dan tidak endahkan rakyat selangor dalam hal air. Pada saya gelagat mereka seperti isu kekura
ngan bekalan air di Selangor bukan penting lagi. Cerita krisis air sudah basi. Jika ini yang berlaku memang benar apa yang diperkatakan mereka sengaja menggunakan isu air bagi tujuan politik. Perjuangan mereka semata-mata untuk meraih sokongan semasa pilihanraya umum yang akan datang. Begitu juga namoaknya pasal isu Lagad Datu. Dipanas-panaskan semata mata untuk tujuan pilihanraya bukan simpati kepada rakyat Sabah dan keluarga perajurit yang gugur mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Friday, 8 March 2013
For the past several years we have seen many ex high ranking government officials migrated to the opposition fronts in term of their political belief and struggle. These officials were the true believers and preached the policies of BN's through out their tennure as the implementors as well as decision makers when they were paid for the job. No doubt that political belief is ones' own choice and preference but the suddent twist the moment they left the government create big question marks in majority of the Rakyat's mind, at least that is what I feel. Bear in mind they are still enjoying pension payment from the same government they are against now. I am Merdeka born Malaysian and I have no opportunity to serve the government in my working career up to now. I wish I could have that. The reigning political fronts that run this country has done so much and has transformed so much to meet the changing lanscape of the people's wish and expectations. And bear in mind too these high ranking officials were there to help planned, developed and execute the changes. If they were the true believers when they there why not now? If they werethe champion when they were there why pulling back the effort now. I believe their expertise are even more neededto help building the nation to what is desired. I do not say the reigning government is perfect and without tiny flaws. No one is perfect except Allah SWT. One may start wondering whether they were sincere when they were there or merely doing it for the sake of saving their job, for the sake of protecting the lucrative benefits they were enjoying.
Something is not right. As written by many before me, something is not right at all. Some wrote saying that they werecoaxed to the manner they are acting now because of some promise they feel is too good to refuse. If this is so then what many said about them has some truth it it. If even they believe there are needs to change or improve by thegovernment they used to call it as their master, is that a need to run against them now? I believe numerous platforms have been laid for them to continue engineer the changes, after all these officials are still the experts. Be with the younger officials replacing them to continue build the nation. Guide them. I believe ones do not necessarily need to hold position to continue giving hands to support. After all these people are still enjoying the benefits from the government.
Allah bless Malaysia. Allah bless 1Malaysia....
Thursday, 7 March 2013
This is a story of a 16 year-old boy from New Hampshire, England who won the World's Shortest Essay competition. He was awarded a scholarship at the University of Harvard for his imagination and humour.... Here's an example of absolute brilliance....
Shortest Essay:
An English university creative writing class was asked to write a concise essay containing the following elements:
1) Religion 2) Royalty 3) Sex 4) Mystery
The prize-winner wrote:
'My God,' said the Queen, 'I'm pregnant. I wonder who the father is'.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Valuing Water Resources
Water is an
essential commodity that has economic value, so the value of a small/basic
amount for survival is infinite—people would pay any price. Water is a commodity that has an economic value when people
are willing to pay for it, rather than go without. However, after
basic needs are met, people buy water based on its price compared to other
goods they might buy. Water’s value is then refers to willingness for the
people to pay for water. It is observed when people make a choice between
different products: How much will a household pay for drinking water? How much
will a farmer pay for irrigation water? How much will a factory pay for clean
Water value provides critical
information for decisions about efficient and equitable allocation of water
among competing users, both within the present generation and future generation.
SNA (System of National Accounts, a conceptual framework that sets the
international statistical standard for the measurement of the market economy), values
water at price of transaction. However
the price charged by water suppliers—if any—often unrelated to value of water, too
low. Water price often does not even reflect full costs of water supply!
Water is not supplied by
competitive markets due to natural characteristics necessary for human survival
and its natural monopoly of public good. Thus there are several concerns about
using economists’ ‘non-market valuation’ techniques in valuation of water
resources when we want to determine the accuracy of water values because the
requirements are very high, so valuation is costly, the value is often
uncertain, very sensitive to assumptions, the results are often presented as a
range of values rather than a point estimate, a single value.
The concepts of value that is consistent
with the SNA is the concept that measures market values, or sometimes cost of
production. Water values highly site-specific, dependent on local uses, as well
as season, water quality and reliability. Thus, if the State Government of
Selangor plans to restructure the public water tariff for the treated water, it
has to be studied carefully and debated exhaustively taking into considerations the SNA concept and
The water tariff in all the States
in Malaysia
were developed based on common intent and purpose, although it differs in the
quantum and absolute amount. If one is to look into it carefully and objectively,
the existing water tariff structure that are multi-tiers serves to create awareness
and provide education as well as developing prudent water consumption. The existing
water tariff structure is also a platform for corporate and social
responsibilities by the organization managing the water supply. The charge in
some of the multi-tiers water tariff structure is much lesser than the cost of
procuring the treated water to the consumers. Thus it provides regulated water
subsidy especially for the poor. The existing water tariff structure is also a
platform for providing efficient services to the consumers.
It is therefore may not be
sensible to restructure the existing water tariff in the State of Selangor especially with a quantum reduction as it is already has a balanced objectives between recovery of costs;
enhanced consumer services; community and social contribution; and reserves for
future development and viable ROI. Any disruption in this equilibrium will
cause severe impact on any of each component that make the balanced objectives.
What Rauf Kauman Says On Uplifting Service Culture
Five Keys
to Creating an Uplifting Service Culture
can unleash superhuman strength in your company's culture by following simple
instructions on a safety poster, says consultant Ron Kaufman
Ron Kaufman
Recently I
was walking through a distribution warehouse to meet a client. Hanging on the
wall were safety posters instructing employees how to lift heavy boxes. Most of
us have seen these posters many times. This was the first time I stopped to
read one.
are you ready to get started with the meeting?" asked the vice-president
showing me around the building.
"I want
to read this," I replied. "Can I take a second?"
As you can
imagine, the VP's facial expression registered confusion over my interest in a
standardized safety poster. Soon I was
seated in the boardroom with a table full of executives. The conversation
focused on an obvious lack of performance that was affecting the company's
bottom line. "Mr. Kaufman," said the chief executive. "You're a
service guru. We already have a fantastic service department. And we don't get
many customer complaints. But this is a cultural issue. Is this really
something you can help with?"
Don't Leave
It to a Department
I've heard
these types of comments for more than 20 years, in all corners of the globe and
inside some of the world's most recognized heavyweight organizations. The
perception of many companies is that service is something handled by a
department or a specific job title. It's something only necessary to customer
you mind if we talked about your safety posters?" I asked the CEO.
My seemingly
odd question captured the CEO's attention. Safety posters offer a simple, best
practice to lift anything heavy, like a package, a tool—or even an entire
culture. The posters instruct employees to stretch properly, position their
body carefully, and use their strongest muscles. Plus, they tell employees to
study and practice proper habits continuously.
When it
comes to uplifting a culture—engaging people, motivating people, building
loyalty, increasing performance, and creating a sustainable advantage—many
companies pass by service as a solution, because somehow the concept has been
improperly labeled.
I define
service like this: taking action to
create value for someone else. Those are powerfully simple words. So consider
the impact of an uplifting service culture, a shared purpose within every
aspect of your business, interaction, and transaction, from the boardroom down
through the front line, where everyone focuses on creating value for someone
else both internally and externally. Imagine the effect on performance,
engagement, customer loyalty, employee retention, value, and competitive
talk about the basic instructions for lifting anything," I said to the
group. "Let's use the instructions of a safety poster to talk about
building an uplifting service culture."
Stretch. Yes, there are
calisthenics for your culture. Stretch your mind and your old habits. Get the
creativity flowing. Ask the big questions of why: Why do we need to change? Why
service? Why now?
Position yourself. Lifting
a culture requires proper positioning and support from all levels. Leadership
must lead service. And everyone else must make himself or herself a service
Use your strong muscles.
The architecture of your company is akin to physiology. Muscles need flexing.
Blocks need building. The building blocks of your culture, such as
communication, recognition, vision, and metrics, need shaping. Analyze each
block to understand which needs improvement.
Study. Educate your team
with continuous exercise and understanding. Just because I read the safety
poster once doesn't mean I will perform properly. True education means I can
perform based on the knowledge I have acquired and the practices I have
Practice. Results really
pay off here. Practice is the action of continually seeking improvement. It's
the correcting, steering, and adjusting to find continued success.
There is
superhuman strength in every culture. Look at the heavyweights in the world,
such as Ritz-Carlton (MAR),
Nordstrom (JWN),
Disney (DIS),
Singapore Airlines (SIA),
Southwest (LUV),
Nokia (NOK),
Apple (AAPL),
Amazon (AMZN),
and Zappos.
What's their strongest muscle? It's a culture based on service—an uplifting
service culture.
Ron Kaufman is a global consultant who
specializes in building service cultures. He is the author of UP! Your Service and 14 other
books. His firm, UP! Your Service,
has offices in Singapore and
the U.S.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Bukan Menunjuk-menunjuk
Apabila kita mengetahui saudara atau kawan handai mengalami kesusahan atau menerima musibah, adalah amat wajar kita jika berkemampuan menghulurkan bantuan. Bantu lah dengan penuh ikhlas bukan untuk mendapatkan nama. Baru-baru ini negara kita menghadapi ujian getir apabila peneceroboh dari kaum Sulu menceroboh Sabah di Lahad Datu. Situasi yang memaksa Kerajaan Kita bertindak bagi menegakkan kedaulatan negara. Dalam usaha ini, beberapa rakan-rakan kita terkorban demi maruah negara. Pada yang sama kita sebok bertukar-tukar pesanan dan berita menuduh satu sama lain dan mempertikaikan usaha sesetengah pihak. Cakap memang mudah sebab cakap itu percuma. Mampukah kita mengangkat senjata untuk sama-sama berjuang? Angkat pistul mainan pun demam seminggu. Jadi apa peranan kita? Hulurkan lah bantuan yang termampu. Dalam hal ini, saya tertarik dengan usaha Tan Sri Rozali Ismail yang kehadapan untuk menghulurkan bantuan kepada keluarga Allahyarham Sarjan Sabaruddin Daud. Beliau kehadapan dengan memberikan bantuan pakej haji untuk balu Allahyarham dan seorang lagi teman yang mahram bagi menemani beliau ke tanah suci Mekah. Membiayai pelajaran dan persekolan ketiga-tiga anak Allahyarham ketahap yang mereka termampu belajar dan menyediakan peluang perkerjaan kepada mereka apabila tamat pelajaran masing-masing. Mereka adalah anak-anak yatim yang patut dan wajar mendapat bantuan dari kita yang mampu. Memberi bantuan kepada anak-anak yatim besar pahalanya. Mungkin bagi yang kurang faham erti pahala ni mereka tidak ambil berat. Memberi bantuan kepada anak-anak yatim adalah barokah. Saya salute kepada Tan Sri Rozali Ismail yang begitu perihatin terhadap situasi ini, walaupun beliau pada masa ini sedang berhadapan dengan isu kritikal mengenai perniagaan utama beliau (Puncak Niaga dan SYABAS). Saya amat faham perasaan Tan Sri Rozali Ismail yang juga merupakan anak yatim semasa beliau kecil, hidup membesar dengan tanggungan orang lain yang begitu perihatin. Usaha Tan Sri Rozali menghulurkan bantuan yang sama kepada keluarga Allahyarham Sarjan Sabaruddin merupakan salah satu cara beliau membalas budi keluarga yang membesarkan beliau sehingga beliau berjaya ke tahap sekarang. Jadi apa yang kecoh sangat cerita beliau memberikan bantuan kepada keluarga Allahyarham Sarjan Sabaruddin? Beliau bukan menunjuk-nunjuk. Hebahan usaha beliau dalam media massa bukan mahu cari nama tetapi sekadar memberikan kesedaran dan mengajak mana-mana individu yang lain yang mampu untuk sama-sama menghulurkan bantuan yang serupa mengikut kemampuan masing-masing dan ikhlas. Tetapi ramai-ramai antara kita dengan mudah menuding jari dan bercakap bahawa Tan Sri Rozali mahu cari publisiti murahan. Dalam hal ibadah ni, tolong ada perasaan sensitive sedikit. Cuba tanya balu Allahyarham Sarjan Sabaruddin perasaan beliau dan anak-anak beliau yang masih kecil. Kerajaan Selangor juga menyediakan bantuan RM10 juta untuk Lahad Datu. Berita tersebar luas dalam media masa. Ini bukan cari publisiti murahan ke? Jangan sampai kera dihutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan? Banyak lagi golongan miskin hina yang ada di Selangor. Ratusan ribu Rakyat masih tidak dapat menikmati air percuma. Jadi memberikan bantuan kepada penduduk Lahad Datu bukan ke itu satu langkah sekadar mahu mendapatkan populariti politik? Tepuk dada rasalah keperitannya sensiri.
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